Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there anyway to see who has completed the survey and who has not(out of the peers and employee I chose)?
This is a confidential survey, so the respondent names are not tracked intentionally. The response tracking is done at the system end and it is very simple to trigger reminders to anyone who is yet to complete your feedback survey. Here are the steps to do so:
  • Search for an email titled “360 Survey Result” received from, in your inbox.
  • Click on the “Result” link provided in that mail.
  • In the resulting page, clicking on the button “Reminders” will send reminders to everyone who is yet to complete the survey for you.
Hope this helps.
2. I have been struggling filling up this survey with the required people; it is asking for manager (which I have), but for peers and employees it is hard to complete them since it is asking for 5 at least, and since I joined I have been in a project by myself and recently included 2 more resources, but not enough for the 5 persons required. What can I do on this situation?
You can seek feedback from anyone that you work with. The survey is being done for your self-development purposes, so it is important that the people responding to your survey know you well, so that they can provide more informed and useful feedback that you can use for developing yourself as a Servant Leader.
However, if you are still unable to get responses, you can still attend the program and take the survey at a later stage.
3. I have joined this organization very recently. It’s very short period and I just started interacting with my managers, peers and team members and majority of those are single or limited interactions. Please suggest how do I go and complete my 360-degree survey.
Thank you for reaching out and welcome to UST Global.
Given that you have joined recently, I would recommend that you invite people from your earlier organization, who would be able to provide you useful and relevant feedback that will help you develop as a Servant Leader. This survey is purely done for self-development purposes, so it would help for you to get feedback from people who know you well enough to be able to provide realistic feedback.
However, if you are unable to get responses, you can still attend the program and take the survey at a later stage.
Look forward to meeting you soon in the workshop.
4. I don’t have team in UST who is directly reporting to me, so how can I complete my MSLA?
In case you don’t have a team that you manage directly, you could take feedback from team members that you influence in the sphere of your responsibilities, even though you don’t directly manage them.
Hope this answers your question.
5. I’m trying to get through the survey and get stuck with conditions of 5 peers & employees. Is it all together or 5 and 5? If so we don’t have so many peers here in Australia.
I understand your concern, however you need to send the survey to 5 team members and 5 peers, to be able to take the self-survey. We won’t be able to generate your personal MSLA report, if we don’t complete your self-survey. This is a pre-condition set in the tool, which we can’t alter.
However, the good news is that you can seek feedback from anyone that you work with within UST or outside UST(you could ask for feedback from people that you work with on the client side too). This survey is being done for your self-development purposes, so it is important that the people responding to your survey know you well, so that they can provide more informed and useful feedback that you can use for developing yourself as a Servant Leader.
Nevertheless, if you are still unable to get responses, you can still attend the program and take the survey at a later stage.
6. I will not be able to attend the session on Dec 16 and 17th as some urgent project requirements have come up. Would there be a workshop coming up next month?
I understand. The next set of workshops is planned in Q1 2020. You could enrol for any one of these workshops. If you would like to register for any of the upcoming workshops, please visit our Servant Leadership Portal: and go to the Upcoming Batches section on the home page to register.
Have a wonderful week.
7. I have a question: What should I answer in case I don’t know the answer, i.e.: Alok Mohapatra makes the Team Members’ career development a priority. He is a senior employee, but currently in an IC role, where he does not have HR responsibility.
We provide an option to the survey respondents to decide whether they know the survey seeker well enough or not at the beginning. The survey respondent has the option to opt out during the initial screening question. We however, do not provide the NA option for individual questions. The individual questions need to be answered to the best of knowledge of the respondent. Individual questions cannot be skipped either. This is a design feature to ensure reliability of the instrument.
If you don’t think you know Alok enough (in his role as a team lead) to answer any question, you have the option of abandoning the survey. Your responses will not be considered, while creating the survey report for Alok.
Hope this helps.